

Car polishing – how to do it yourself?

 Car polishing – how to do it yourself?

Road users are divided between those who view their car solely as a tool to get from point A to point B, and the second group who want to take better care of their four wheels. Polishing a car is one of those activities that is undoubtedly worth doing, but nevertheless remains the domain of enthusiasts. Meanwhile, the task is quite simple and although it requires some knowledge and practice, it automatically brings benefits in the form of a better appearance of the car, which increases its value.

From this article you will learn what you need to do before polishing your car or this self-detailing element takes time, how to effectively remove scratches from paintwork and what cosmetic products are worth using to polish the automobile painting. You will also learn the answer to the question: professional or home methods - which option works better?

All this information has been collected in one place in order to broadly discuss the topic, the tangible effect of which is an impeccable structure of glossy varnish - without scratches, streaks and discolored spots. How and with what to polish a car? To work! 

How to prepare your car for polishing?

The first step on the path to success is to understand that the lack of properly done work before polishing the varnish itself is a sure failure in terms of the expected results. For what? Because the bodywork must be thoroughly cleaned of dirt, sand particles, salt and organic elements before carrying out appropriate work. Their presence has a negative impact on polishing work, so they must be eliminated at the initial stage. To do this, you can go to a self-service car wash, entrust your car to a trusted team at a manual car wash, or carry out this task yourself. When using active foam, consider applying it from the bottom up to the roof. Washing the car yourself in front of the house, it is good to use a double cleaning system - first with shampoo and then without. After preparing the car, you must wait for it to dry.

In the meantime, you can safely start another important activity, namely securing and isolating certain elements. These include door handles, window frames, headlight edges, decorative strips, etc. Each of these should be covered with good quality painter's (varnishing) tape, which should effectively eliminate the problem of polishing paste getting into unwanted areas. 

How and with what to polish a car - essential tools!

The most important tool in the hands of a beginner polisher is a suitable machine. Unfortunately, manual actions will never be as effective as using the rotational power of the motor, which is why purchasing a so-called polisher is highly recommended. In addition to the tool itself, you also need the right tips, i.e. pads. There are many types of pads - most often they come in the form of sponges and fur, as well as completely new microfiber elements on the market. They differ mainly in hardness - the softer the pad, the later the stage of work to which it should be devoted.

What automotive cosmetics should you use before and after polishing your car?

In addition to tools, it is very important that paint renovation is carried out using high-quality cosmetic products. After polishing, for the effect to last as long as possible, you should use it at least once a quarter wax applied wet or dry.

Removal of paint scratches and all polishing activities are carried out using appropriate cosmetic products. So how and with what to polish a car? The most important is the polishing paste, available in different varieties, to be used in the same way as the pads, depending on the stage of the paint correction operation. Therefore, cosmetic products are modified in the same way as in the case of tampons. It is worth using it at first cutting paste and only in the case of cars with a thick layer of paint. In the case of more delicate acrylic varnishes, it is worth starting with a medium-abrasive polishing paste. At the very end, a finishing paste is used, which does not eliminate scratches, but only consolidates the effect of the work done previously. 

What should you pay attention to when polishing your car?

When polishing the paint, watch out for scratches and imperfections that may appear on it. The most common problem is oxidation, i.e. general dullness - here proper polishing of the car should help 100%. Swirls, or stripes that form a circular texture when viewed against the light, are just as common. The third option is dark blue, resembling an orange peel effect - difficult to remove, takes time and can cause further scratches, since the varnish must be matte with sandpaper with a grit of 2500 to 2000 .

How to properly finish a polished vehicle?

Proper finishing usually depends on the type of stamps and cosmetics used. If fur was used to correct the paint initially, finishing should be done with a soft sponge. After all this comes the finishing stage, where the bodywork must be cleaned of leftover paste. It is worth choosing a shampoo that will provide not only mechanical removal of particles, but also degreasing. Washing should end with manual drying, for example using a microfiber. After all, you need to take into account one additional activity - waxing, which preserves the effect.

Homemade ways to polish a car

The Internet is full of guides and various methods for cleaning the body, removing paint scratches and polishing the car. Price plays a major role in this case: instead of an efficient polishing machine, manual labor is used and quality, proven products are used along with low-end products. As you can imagine, even a lot of time spent on work may not be enough for what the situation might look like in the end. In such a case, it is better to consider purchasing better tools and chemicals, or leaving the car in the hands of professionals. You can also start with other ways, such as: clay painting.

Polishing paint is quite tedious and time-consuming work, but it produces beautiful results. Every detailing fan should start their car care journey with this activity. By using a polish and good chemicals, you can completely change the image of your vehicle, increasing its value. This doesn't work for all models, but the sports and premium car segment still benefits from it. Now you know how and with what to polish a car.

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